Monday 6 September 2010

This Week's Picks (#14): My Favorites (continued)

Last week, I realized I had not yet featured some of my all time favorite music. This week I'm showcasing a few more of my all-time favorite tracks. Please enjoy!

"La Bush Resistance" by Balkan Beat Box

I know I've already featured these guys in my very first "This Week's Picks" but I just love these guys so much. This track, from their self-titled album, is not only a great one for their ability to update Balkan sounds, but for the lyrics. "Bring the dance and leave the guns." It's a great philosophy.

"Ja Fun Mi" by King Sunny Ade

I blame my obsession with world music on this man. When I was seven I came across his album, E Dide, and asked my mom to buy it. I got it and could not stop listening to it. How many seven year olds jam out to Nigerian pop music? While I couldn't find E Dide on YouTube, here's another great track from a great artist.

"Tabla Toy" by Beats Antique

Picking just one song from this trio was difficult. Like most of the other artists feature this week and last, I love just about every song they've ever made. One of the trio is a dancer, dancing during their live shows, therefore, every song has a great beat or deliciously slow melody to snake along to. While this video does not feature any dancing, I highly recommend checking out some other videos that do, like this one.

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