Tuesday 15 June 2010


There are a few changes going on here at NP as we slowly start expanding. Here are just a few updates.

If you haven't noticed, we've changed the look of the blog. We're hoping that this new look will make certain features (like our Nomad's Calendar and Map features) easier to find.  What do you think? Do you like the new look? Please send us your feedback so we can best cater the blog to our reader's needs.

Another change: Twitter
Nomad's Playlist is now on Twitter, and I think we're finally getting the hang of it. Follow us  today and keep more up-to-date on concerts and current goings-on of the world music scene.

Thank you for all your support! We couldn't be expanding so quickly if it weren't for the amazing response we've received from our readers!


  1. I LOVE the new look - clean and easy to read, but still visually interesting (well, what do you expect from a visual artist?)

    Keep up the great work!
